The 2021 Best in Show winner Al Bello received his award the Fujifilm Cameras X100 V camera kit. Al is an amazing photojournalist and he showed his versatility with this amazing image from the Pandemic.

The award is Al’s 1st Best in Show award and he is constantly producing images that are great storytelling photographs. The NYPPA president Bruce Cotler along with NYPPA co-contest Chairperson Bill Perlman met up with a little bar-b-que at Bill’s home with the other winners of the 2021 “Anthony J. Causi” Sports Portfolio winner Mike Stobe and last years the 2020 Best in Show Craig Ruttle so that we were able to give out the awards. Al was honored to receive the award for his work. He is thankful to Fujifilm Cameras and Brandon Remler for the camera as the prize for the honor.