The New York Press Photographers Association dates back to 1913 and its roots include the Press Photographers of New York. Then on April 17, 1915 a group of 58 News Photographers of the various news organizations in New York gathered at the Castle Cave Restaurant at 271 7th Ave., near 26th St and formed a fraternal organization where news photographers could meet on social occasions and exchange ideas and get to know one another better, instead of always meeting on the run at fires and breaking news stories.

In those days the city was served by eleven daily newspapers and was the headquarters of numerous wire services and syndicates. Newspaper Row was along Park Row just across from City Hall. There papers like New York World, The Journal, The Herald, The Telegram, New York Tribune, Evening World, The American and syndicates like Brown Brothers, Acme, Gideon Service, Baine and Central News all tried to out scoop each other.
Although these organizations are now long gone, New York is still the media capital of the world and the New York Press Photographers Association is the oldest press organization in the world, still existing to serve working photographers as a professional and social organization. The Association members work for news organizations in the print and electronic media based within a seventy-five mile radius of Manhattan. The organization is made up of over 375 active members.
The Association:
- Sponsors regular meetings for social and educational purposes.
- Accredited 501(c)(6) Organization.
- It maintains a liaison with Governmental agencies whose actions directly affect the Media.
- Maintains a committee to work out working conditions with the various college and professional sports teams.
- Publishes a regular newsletter.
- Holds an annual contest with an exhibit and an awards dinner and dance.
- Holds an annual Holiday Party (which benefits under privileged children).
- Holds other social events such as boat rides, fishing trips, and picnics.
- Each year we publish the New York Press Photographer, a book displaying the winning work of our members from the annual contest.
To see some of the historical images of the NYPPA click here