The 2020 “Anthony J. Causi” Sports Photographer of the Year winner Brad Penner received his award the Fuji X-T4 camera kit. Brad is a photographer who’s sports portfolio was a complete package of action, features and stories. He is the first recipient of the award named after Anthony J. Causi the beloved member who was taken from us all by Covid-19 last April. The NYPPA board unanimously name the award after Anthony J. Causi and Brad Penner, a close friend was honored to be the first winner of the newly named award. This is last years winning SPOY and we have finally been able to meet up to get Brad his award. The 2021 contest is being judged the weekend of March 19-20, 2021 so stay tune as we pick winners from all the images submitted for the year 2020.

The NYPPA president Bruce Cotler along with NYPPA co-contest Chairperson Bill Perlman met up with Brad Penner at his home to give him his award and prize. He was honored to receive the award for his work. “I am honored to be recognized by the New York Press Photographers Association as the first recipient of the “Anthony J. Causi” Sports Photographer of the Year Award. Besides being a good friend personally, Anthony was an iconic New York photographer and an even better human being, and I can think of no higher honor than receiving the first award to bear his name. He is missed every day by the entire sports photography community. I’d also like to thank all the great people at the NYPPA for organizing the annual contest, and Fujifilm Cameras for sponsoring this year’s SPOY award.”