The NYPPA would like to welcome 12 new members and 1 reinstated member:

Bess Adler – Independent Photographer

Yunghi Kim  – Agency Contact Press Images

Charles Eckert  – Independent Photographer

Anthony Behar – Independent Photographer

Gardiner Anderson – Independent Photographer

Albin Lohr-Jones – Independent Photographer

Zelig Shaul – Independent Photographer

David Trotman-Wilkins – Newsday Deputy Photo Editor

Alan Zale  – Independent Photographer

Paul Zimmermann – Independent Photographer

Arnold Miller – Newsday-Associate Managing Editor

Jessica Rotkiewicz –

Steven Hirsch – Independent Photographer

They were all made members by the NYPPA Board at a vote during the November & December Meeting.

When we see them on the street or at work, lets all congratulate them.