Nominating Committee members Chip East and NYPPA Secretary Susan Markisz oversaw the balloting and election process for the 2013 NYPPA election.
Ballots were counted on May 21, 2013 at the office of the New York Press Photographers Association by Vice-President Bruce Cotler, Secretary Susan Markisz, Trustees Chip East and Norman Y. Lono, and member Todd Maisel.
The following officers of the NYPPA Board were re-elected:
- President: Dave Pokress
- Vice-President: Bruce Cotler
- Treasurer: William Perlman
- Secretary: Susan Markisz
The following trustees were re-elected to the NYPPA Board of Trustees:
- Jennifer Altman
- Richard Drew
- Chip East
- David Handschuh
- Norman Y. Lono
- Marilyn K. Yee
We welcome the following members who were elected to serve on the NYPPA Board of Trustees, starting in the new term:
- Richard Lee
- Todd Maisel
- Robert Roth
- Ray Stubblebine
For the tenth and final position for Trustee, the vote was tied.
After NYPPA President Dave Pokress spoke with both Marc Hermann and Robert Roth to inform them of the Constitutional requirement for a run-off election for this position, Marc decided not to participate in a run-off.
Because of his choice, there is no compulsory requirement for a run-off election and therefore Robert Roth has been elected to serve as a trustee on the New York Press Photographers Association for the next two-year term.
Marc has asked the President to remain in his appointed position as NYPPA Historian, which had no bearing on the outcome of the election, and Dave Pokress has asked him to continue to serve in this capacity.
Congratulations to all.
Susan Markisz, Secretary, NYPPA May 28, 2013.