Call for NYPPA Officers

The bi-annual election for the Officers and Board of the Association is this April. The Constitution directs the creation of a Nominating Committee to provide a slate of candidates, and any regular member who is interested in serving as an office or board member PLEASE contact secretary Susan Markisz ( ), who is chair of the committee. Members who wish to serve on this committee, please contact me ASAP.

Candidates for President and Vice-President must have served at some time on the Board of Trustees in order to run.

Under our Constitution, the committee is charged to nominate at least one candidate for each office/board slot. Any regular member not on the slate the committee reports out, may submit a petition at the annual meeting, signed by 15 regular members, and they will also be placed on the ballot.

Any members who wish to run for election, and currently serving officers and Board members who wish to run for re-election, should notify Susan through her email address by JANUARY 27!

We will post information on all the candidates on the web site as soon as the nomination process is complete. Send a short Bio accompanied by a medium resolution photo to by March 1.

The judging is March 5 at Brooklyn Tech, info will be on the web site.

Ray Stubblebine

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